Book an appointment in our showroom online or call +36 20 326 8115

Book an appointment in our showroom online or call +36 20 326 8115

Book an appointment to visit our showroom

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Our new address:

2053 Herceghalom, Őszirózsa street opposite the football field

Frequently asked questions

How can I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment using our booking system above. Choose the date and available timeslot that suits you best, we are usually available between 0900-1900 every day of the week, including weekends. Please enter your contact details so that we can get in touch with you. Click the 'Send' button to confirm your selected appointment.

Will I receive a confirmation of my booking?

Yes, you will always receive a confirmation email of your booking. There will be two emails: The first one to acknowledge receipt of your booking. This will contain the details of the requested appointment, however will need to be processed first to ensure we can be at the showroom on the requested date and time, and it will also be a summary for you with the information provided. The second email is either a confirmation that the appointment has been accepted, at which point feel free to save it to your calendar, or it will let you know that we are unable to accommodate the requested time. In this case, we will contact you by phone to find another suitable alternative when you can visit.

What should I know about the Showroom?

Our showroom is also a warehouse, so the atmosphere is quite unique and different from a traditional showroom. Visit us and discover this special experience in person. Visiting our showroom is free of charge, we look forward to welcoming you there!

Open chat
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